Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What the Myth of Sisyphus Can Teach You About When It’s Time to File Bankruptcy

Image courtesy of Vlado / freedigitalphotos.net

How do you know if you are in over your head and the time has come to seriously consider bankruptcy? 
Consider this story:  In ancient Greek myth, there is a story of Sisyphus, who was a king condemned by the gods to roll a rock to the top of a mountain as an endless, repetitive task.  At the point in which the rock finally reached the peak, it would then roll back down to the ground, forcing the king to begin the monumental task of rolling it back up the mountain. 

Are you like Sisyphus when it comes to your finances?  Do you find that regardless of how much effort you put into trying to dig out of debt, the weight of it takes you right back where you started?  If so, then it’s time to seriously consider bankruptcy as a way to finally conquer your financial goals and put you on better footing.  No one should live paycheck to paycheck and it is a system that is unsustainable.  The first week that you miss a paycheck due to illness or job loss, you’re up the proverbial creek without a paddle.  That’s certainly no way to live! 

Read below and see if any of the following situations apply to you.  If one or more apply, bankruptcy is most likely your best option:

  1. I spend more than 20% of my income on bills.
  2. I have to use my savings sometimes to pay my monthly bills.
  3. I often use my credit cards to pay for necessities because I don’t have the cash on hand.
  4. I have more than four major credit cards that I use regularly.
  5. I often have to call on friends/family to bail me out of financial distress. 
  6. I have had to finance my car for six or more years just to make sure the payments were low enough for me to afford.
  7. Whenever I apply for credit, I usually need a co-signer. 
If any of these sounds like you, give us a call for a free consultation.  305-663-3281

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